Saturday, June 14, 2014

Where is God?

Over the last several weeks I have had a range of emotions around the work we are doing at Kilgo and St. Luke UMC. We have been working to let our heart for people guide our ministry and yet still try to love the people who built the church.

It should be one in the same, but surprisingly it isn't.  When I went into ministry all I wanted to do is share my enthusiasm for God through my understanding of Jesus with everyone I could.  Yet, what I figured out over time is that "church" is about structure and habits and rules.  It literally has broken my heart over and over and over again!

So I always had my ministry "in the world" on my own on my time.  Carroll and I will spend time at the same restaurant each week getting to know the people who work there.  Not to minister to them, just to eat. As it turns out though, we build amazing relationships in which often we do minister to and with these great people we meet.

We always have wanted to be a part of a ministry that just mimicked Jesus in the way the community lived and related to others.  We wanted to break down barriers of stereotypes looking outside of the church and looking inside.  We want to be in community with people who recognize that we are all imperfect "works in progress" living the best we can everyday.  And yet, at the same time, just loving people.  Being there when they need help or to cry or to laugh.  Letting them be there when we need the same.

No pretense or preconceived agendas can come between us. We just live as authentically as we can. Even with this, there will be people who find fault with us or those we want to be in community with.  So be it.  We can't change them, only us.

Lately, that is where God has been taking me.  Recognizing that no matter how much I want to help someone change their life, I can't.  I can't change them, fix them, or their situation.  Only person I can change, and it is really hard, is me.  God shows up when I recognize that in order to change anything in the world, I have to be flexible, open, and honest as myself and with myself.

That is what we strive for at the Vine.  That is what I strive for everyday.  I hope you find God where you are.

In Christ,

What is the Vine?

The Vine is a community of people who are not perfect, but seek to find God where we are. We seek to show God's love and compassion to all around us regardless of human boundaries. We seek to worship God from our hearts without pretense and agenda. We welcome all who are seeking answers to join us in our lifelong journey to build selfless, loving relationships with Our Creator and our community in the way Jesus did. 

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