As I prepare for annual conference and recognize that there are conversations going on all over the country regarding the "need" to draw a line in the sand, I find myself in contemplation and prayer. We are all being asked to choose which side we find ourselves on based on one small facet of humanity that is barely dealt with in Bible. Not to say human sexuality should be ignored as mentioned in the bible, but to allow one aspect of humanity to determine what "kind" of church, Christian, and Pastor you are is ridiculous.
My faith is much deeper and broader than a single issue. I love that fact that we as United Methodist remain United despite our differences of thought and understanding. We have been invited over the history of our denomination to use Scripture, tradition, experience, and reason to guide and shape our faith. We have always had people on both sides that say you have to follow their understanding to be a "real" Christian. If you disagree on a certain topic, you obviously do not "really" know Christ. How ludicrous is this! to say all of our experiences and traditions will lead us to one thought on all topics is merely impossible and not the heart and basis of the God I understand through the truth of Scripture. The stories are varied to reach a variety of humanity.
God has spoken to me in very real ways. I have been affirmed by the hand and presence of God in all aspects of my life, family, and ministry. Yet, I know many great and faithful Christians that disagree with my understanding of God, Scripture, Grace, and so much more. I have people who would consider themselves liberal and others conservative and there are issues we all disagree on that we can each justify with the Bible. Bible and understanding of Bible have changed over time and history as humanity discovers more of who God is and as research into history as exposed meanings and writings that were not previously known.
We have arguments over which translation "really" understands and conveys the true nature of the original texts. We have had different councils to canonize and recononize scripture as the Church has seen schism over history. Yet God is still present and living and working in the lives of people all over the world.
The very thing Jesus came to dispute, legalism over relationship, is the very thing people are saying we have to split because of. I love the fact that even though we disagree we are still connected by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
In our society, we seem to be teaching our children that if times get tough, if you have a disagreement with someone, if you don't like the way someone does something, split up, go the other way, divorce. We might as well say, "there is no need to try to work through our differences or try to come to a mutual understanding or even realizing that the beauty of humanity is in the fact that we are not always going to agree because our life, gifts, and understandings are different."
Groups of Christians will condemn divorce and those who are divorced by utilizing scripture. The very same faction who holds this as true based on a handful of texts in scripture are wanting our churches to divorce one another. It is easier to divorce and draw a line in the sand rather than seeking unity in the body. Scripture also reminds us the body of Christ in which one portion is missing hinders the ministry of the whole.
The United Methodist Church has always stood on our differences and the fact that we can differ and ask the hard questions and sill be "United". We live our faith in the grey areas. It recognizes that we are human, not divine. We embrace the questions and the way questioning helps us grow in faith and affirms our understanding of God. I don't know anyone who has all the answers they need. I think the bible leaves questions intentionally unanswered so that we can seek the answers. Whether you believe the Bible is a group of stories and antidotes or every word in the Bible is perfect and given by God, there are still unanswered questions on the nature of God and the reason for things to be done the way they are.
My church is a church for people who are imperfect and flawed and yet trying to seek God from that position. Jesus never invited people to come to him, fix everything in their life, and then he would heal them. No! He met them where they were. Sometimes he met them even when they were not seeking him. He healed them, forgave them, and invited them to follow him. Never asking to be perfect but with the encouragement, "Go and sin no more." Jesus knew this is not possible, but we strive to relate, to follow, to trust that through the relationship we build with the One who gave all, will sustain us, bless us, and make us whole.
There is no easy way out. A line in the sand brings more hate and discord than a conversation and agreement that God is bigger than our need to be "right". My God can handle relationships with all of humanity, billions and billions of people over all time. None of those agreed on everything, even what some consider to be the "big things!"
I pray for those whose hearts are hardened. I pray the God of grace, mercy, and justice will continue to use each of us to share hope, promise, and truth with the people that are put in front of us not for our sake but for the sake of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!
In Jesus Name! Amen!
In Christ,
Pastor Mike
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