How often did Jesus tell the religious leaders they were following too strictly to law, going beyond God's intention, and forgetting the humanity of the individual they were condemning? I think of the adulterous woman.(John 8) Now we don't even hear about the man, because he was a man and that was different. But we know that the woman is about to be stoned for her sins. The "good" religious leaders are bringing her up front to make a point. We are horrified when we here stories like this in the modern day world. We post all over FaceBook how horrible it is. We are horrified at "honor killings" we here about on the news. I think most of us believe that having intimate relationships with another person while in a monogamous relationship is wrong. But we also believe that stoning someone to death for something they did consentually with another is a bit extreme. This is the premise I am starting with.
Jesus' reaction was to invite them to look at their own lives. He challenged them in a non-threatening way to consider how perfect their lives were, where they may have unresolved issues that they have not addressed. He offered the first one who has no sin to throw a stone. Then he casually continued to write in the sand. They may or may not have changed their view on adultery, but they walked away anyway. The woman lived to face another day.
We can argue all day, all of our life as to what we consider sin to be and not be and never get any closer to agreeing. But if we recognize Jesus taught compassion, love, mercy, and offered grace even to the vilest of offenders and offers grace to you and me, can Jesus not offer that same grace to people we think are sinners. Why do we get to choose that they are sinners? Why do we have the right to find fault in them? We can have our opinion, but are we allowed to discriminate, to alienate, or condemn anyone else in the name of God.
God speaks to me all the time, but I have never been given permission from my God to decide that someone else's sins or issues or problems were any of my concern unless it was to feed them or clothe them or care for them.
As I read one of the most well known scripture verses, "Jesus Wept." (John 11:35 NIV) I look at that story that surrounds it. I think of how Jesus must be weeping now. He wept in his humanity. He wept as the Son of God while being fully human at the same time. He wept at the sorrow and the emotions of the time when Lazarus died. He wept with those others who were heart broken at the loss of a brother and friend. Jesus empathized with Mary and Martha. He felt their pain. Then after it all, he raised Lazarus from the dead.
Our world is hurting, our churches are hurting, our people are hurting. Why in God's name would we continue to find ways to harm each other?! We will not agree on the issue of Homosexuality, ever. But we can see in the life of Christ, he embraced people. Jesus loved them. Brought wholeness to their lives and lives of those around them. He even embraced people others would never be seen with. Why? Because it was the "right" thing to do. Jesus sees the piece of God in each person of humanity. (Genesis 1:27)
It is ludicrous to draw a line in the sand and say we need to split because I think differently than you. We might as well build our own little shrines in our rooms, because we will find ourselves alone if we expect total agreement on everything. If we split now on this, then what's the next issue. Is this just to get attention? Do we feel better because we did what is "right"? We showed the those sinners and sinner supporters that we are better than everyone else! That is what makes my stomach turn and turns so many away from faith. We hurt the Kingdom of God more than we build it if all we are doing is building walls with no doors or windows.
When the messiah teaches grace and we still teach law. When the Messiah teaches forgiveness and we still condemn. When the Messiah offers mercy and we offer hate. Who are we helping? Who are we hurting? Is it really sharing a relationship with a God who so loved humanity that he would sacrifice so much?
My understanding of God is that God has stayed the same forever. Humanity continues to try to figure God out. We continue to define and decide who and what God really is. So often we put our limitations, fears, prejudices into our understanding. Then others suffer for it.
There are still a lot of things I don't understand. I don't understand all there is to know about humanity, homosexuality, and sin. There are things I can't figure out. But the thing I do know is God's love!
I really think the divisive challenges to the Church, the instrument of compassion and God's tool used to share life with people, breaks the heart of God. I believe if we were to write it down again, it would be repeated. "Jesus Wept!"